Strong Heroes

5th Global Mental Health Summit

Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), emphasized the importance of universal access to quality mental health care and the urgent need to address the issue of suicide at the 5th World Mental Health Summit in Buenos Aires. He stressed the necessity for multisectoral alliances and increased investments to integrate mental health into all policies effectively, considering its cross-cutting nature.

President Alberto Fernandez of Argentina, accompanied by Minister of Health Carla Vizzotti and Robert Mardini of the International Committee of the Red Cross, emphasized that mental health, though a growing concern, remains a taboo subject, making it imperative to address it.

Dr. Barbosa pointed out that the Americas experiences a significant burden of disability-adjusted life years due to mental health conditions, with a worrying increase in the suicide rate. Many individuals with mental health conditions, especially those in vulnerable situations, lack access to necessary care and face stigma and discrimination. Consequently, several countries in the region have reformed their mental health services toward community-based care.

Dr. Barbosa concluded with the hope that the summit would lead to productive discussions, concrete recommendations, and enhanced global collaboration on this critical health and development issue.



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Every year, the Minority Health Disparities Initiative at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln hosts a conference to create space for students, researchers, community health professionals, policymakers, and organizations to come together

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