Strong Heroes

Primary Doctors Need Help To Achieve Health Equity.

This article shares the story of a family physician who has also been a patient impacted by discrimination and inequities in our national healthcare system. She has faced times when her symptoms were dismissed, and she was denied appropriate care due to bias.

The story she shares is too familiar, and this should be concerning. It is yet another indication that the time has come for a fundamental change in the way we approach healthcare, one in which we recognize, understand, and confront the bias and inequality that exists within the field of medicine.

Our healthcare system already contains the most effective resources to achieve our goals, which are family physicians. Throughout their lives, family physicians establish close relationships with patients and their families. We are a reliable source of help and positivity for our patients, and we witness the social and structural disparities that affect their health. We have a strong understanding of their communities and surroundings, and as a result, we must help bridge equity gaps. 

To establish a better connection between primary care and the healthcare system in the U.S. There are crucial measures that must be taken. The U.S. healthcare system needs to acknowledge the existence of social needs, equip physicians with proper training to address those needs, and ensure a stronger workforce.



2025 Health Equity Conference

Every year, the Minority Health Disparities Initiative at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln hosts a conference to create space for students, researchers, community health professionals, policymakers, and organizations to come together

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Health Equity Trends Summit

The Health Equity Trends Summit will feature influential leaders from government, health, business, and other diverse sectors who are key to advancing health equity statewide.

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