4 Volunteer Initiatives
Volunteers need to complete the 4 important volunteer initiatives below in order to receive 10 community service hours.
You will receive your certification via email once we have reviewed your submissions confirming successful completion of the 4 volunteer initiatives.
STEP 1 – Educational Training
Review our
After deleting a submission, you will need to CLICK HERE to make a new submission.
STEP 2 – Community Engagement
Volunteers must have conversations with a minimum 10 individuals about Strong Heroes to bring greater awareness and visibility to the work of Strong Heroes, and to the importance of Health Equity, including supporting Children’s Hospitals in all geographies and among all socioeconomic populations.
Our FAQs provide information for your conversations, email outreach, social media posts and other community engagements highlighting the importance of Health Equity.
View our Script to use in your conversations with people you reach out to.
After deleting a submission, you will need to CLICK HERE to make a new submission.
STEP 3 – Outreach
Volunteers must post messages about the StrongHeroes.org website on Instagram or other social media at least 3 times, and upload a screen shot of those posted messages in the Outreach form below.
After deleting a submission, you will need to CLICK HERE to make a new submission.
STEP 4 – Philanthropy
Volunteers must donate, or get other individuals to donate, a minimum of 5 items to one or more Children’s Hospitals in the Strong Heroes online network.
Volunteers upload a screen shot in the Philanthropy form below of the receipts or other evidence of donations made to Children’s Hospitals via StrongHeroes.org.
After deleting a submission, you will need to CLICK HERE to make a new submission.
Volunteer Dashboard
Here you can review, edit or delete all posts submitted.
After deleting a submission, you will need to CLICK HERE to make a new submission.